I'm in love

I'm in love with someone.

Unlike any others,she has "something" special.

That's why i like her.

But ,as i know her further ,i found her to be attractive.

She's a dreamer,a geek just like me.

We found each other to be attractive,and that's what made us to be so close.

But,fool me.

I told her what i've been feeling since we've become so close.

I said,"i'm in love with you".

She got shut for a while,maybe understanding what i've just said.

She asked ,"why me?i'm not worthy".

And i said,"you're able to understand me".

Why do i always mentioned "understand me?" when it comes to a relationship?

That's simple.

Because,the people who's able to understand me,will get my loyalty of a lifetime.

Then,she said "i just wanna be alone,for a while".

I said,"what if someday,you've changed your mind?Can i come to you?"

She didn't answer it well.

She said,"maybe i'll hurt you someday".

I told her that day,"i've had enough of pain".

And she said,"i don't wanna hurt you,or make you feel pain"

Is this the sign of love,an act of caring for someone special?

Or is this something else?

I don't know yet.

But still,i won't give up to make you love me.

1 komentar:

  • benedictodimas | 16 Desember 2010 pukul 07.40

    Tak kasi tau bim
    kalo cewek ngomong kayak gt
    berarti dia emang ga mau sm km...
    gitu, aku yakin
    berdasarkan pengalaman, hehehe...

    wes bim , golek liyane ae, hahaha...

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