
Aku sudah gak bisa nahan gejolak ini,gejolak yang bikin aku panas dingin,dan bisa bikin aku jantungan mendadak.Perasaanku ke kamu,udah tertancep begitu dalem dan aku cuma ngarep kamu bisa nerima dengan baik.For the one which always satisfy my desire,and the one who always make me fall,i wish you'd understand.Maybe you're not beautiful,but you've got the sweetest smile i have ever seen in my entire life.

Aku gak ngarep yang jauh-jauh untuk sementara ini,yang aku arepin cuma 1: kamu bisa nerima perasaanku ini.Well,at last this day has arrived.The day when i'll tell her about what i feel during the moment i put my attention on you.I just want you to know this desire.

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